Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1. SSR
2. Parts of Sentence Cornell Notes (The Magic Lens 79-80)
3. Sample Letter to the Editor (see below)
4. The Odyssey Socratic Seminar

Letter to the Editor (Rough Draft Due Tomorrow)

Sample Letters to the Editor:

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Hats off to S.C. schools for a stab at better nutrition
By: Dear Editor: | SCNow
Published: February 13, 2012 Updated: February 13, 2012 - 2:43 PM

Hats off to South Carolina School Foodservice programs! South Carolina passed a state law that went into effect in 2005 requiring all schools to offer, daily, four fruits and vegetables, a choice of entrees where one of the entrees could be a chef salad with fat free or low fat dressing and low fat or no fat milk. South Carolina also requires all schools to offer breakfast daily so students can get a jumpstart for the day and be ready to learn. Many schools offer healthy after school snack programs in conjunction with academic programs and the USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program that are in addition to the USDA School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. As part of the meal programs whole grain bread products, more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as low fat options are being offered daily.
The school foodservice programs and dedicated staff continue to do their best for the children they serve 10 out of 21 meals per week. Continued help from the families in the community is also necessary to support healthy eating habits. When students are seeing healthy choices at home as well as at school they will begin to accept and enjoy the healthy options and truly be on the road to lifelong healthy eating habits. Along with better eating habits, increased exercise is critical in school and at home for all ages.
Changing the eating habits of our children in schools as well as at home will continue to be a challenge, but one worth the fight.
(In case you are asking how I know this information, I have been involved in school/child nutrition programs for 28 years.)
Gregg Ferguson

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: In a (fairly) new fan's eyes Clemson-USC rivaly too hot

By: Dear Editor: | SCNow
Updated: February 25, 2012 - 6:39 PM
In a (fairly) new fan’s eyes Clemson-USC rivaly too hot
The rivalry between USC and Clemson is an old one and seems like it started at the beginning of time. In fact, it’s one of the oldest rivalries in the South. But what makes it different than all of the other old college rivalries? I think the intense competitiveness between the two universities is what really sets it apart. Everything from blood drives to sports events are a competition to see which school is better than the other. Though this is really fun to do and rub in the other’s face, is it necessary? I think that the competitiveness has only made the rivalry nastier than it should be. I have grown up in a family of huge Gamecock fans. From birth I watched the games and was taught that anything that is orange is bad. But now as a 17-year-old, I have seen the competitiveness become something other than not wearing the other’s colors but something that people use against one another. Social media has really intensified the rivalry so that it has become more of a war between the two schools. There are multiple Twitter and Facebook accounts dedicated to bashing the other school. These accounts are making teenagers and adults feel like it is OK to try to tear down the other university with words and hateful messages. This new venue has taken this rivalry to a new level of competitiveness, which in my eyes, is not the best way for the two schools to compete. I think the competition needs to stop when people start to talk about the education at one school being better than the other. Both schools have their strengths and weaknesses, and this is not something that should be brought up in the argument of a game.
Daisy Buckhouse

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Teen dating violence is wrong
Published: Monday, September 26, 2011
 To the Editor: The summer has come and gone, and middle and high school students are in the midst of new classes, new extracurricular activities and forming new romantic relationships. We have an opportunity to start the school year off on a strong foot by teaching our children how to have healthy relationships, what is acceptable and what is not.
I recently participated in a program hosted by the National Foundation for Women Legislators, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Liz Claiborne Inc. and the Verizon Foundation that made me realize just how much unhealthy relationships are impacting teens today. Nearly one in 10 American high school students experience physical dating violence, and there are serious health consequences for young children who witness violence in their homes.
This eye-opening program focused on teen dating violence and reinforced the urgent need to take a stand against this serious social and public health epidemic. It was heartbreaking to hear from parents who had lost their children to dating violence and from a teen survivor who endured emotional and psychological abuse.
Their touching testimonies reinforced the fact that abuse does not discriminate. Anyone can be a victim.
Thankfully, there are public- and private-sector collaborations and teen-led initiatives around the country to address teen dating violence and provide young people and parents with creative tools and resources, like the recently launched “Love Is Not Abuse” iPhone app, programs that focus on engaging young men such as Verizon Foundation’s “Training Camps for Life,” and healthy “breakup” summits.
Education is essential to stopping abuse before it even starts. It is Detroit’s turn to get involved. Please join me in this national effort to promote teen dating abuse prevention. We all have a stake in protecting our children.
Irma Clark-Coleman, Wayne County commissioner (D-Detroit)
(Editor’s note: Clark-Coleman is a former state senator whose district included River Rouge.)

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